6:00pm Social
6:30pm Dinner -Spaghetti and Meatballs, veg, dessert & coffee all for just $15.00 per person or $25.00 a Couple.
7:30pm Presentation by Illustrious Bud Gurney, “Corona Project – America’s First Eyes in Space”
8:00pm Stated Meeting
CALL (805) 965-6100 for RESERVATIONS.
NOTICE: Just a gentle reminder that the Lodge dinners are a real value for only $15. This includes salad, the main course, vegetables, dessert and coffee, awesome fellowship and NO tax and tip. Even at this low rate, we generally don’t break even. Moving forward, we kindly ask for your understanding as we will have to bill those individuals who make a dinner reservation and don’t show and don’t cancel before 48 hours of the event. Obviously, we understand in case of illness and emergency.